Oooooh boy! Ever since we made the decision to take on this Whole30 journey I've been a bundle of nerves and excitement. What is Whole30? Pretty much exactly what it says. Thirty days set aside to only eat the basic of whole foods; meats, vegetables and fruits with some healthy fats with the purpose of giving your body a "reset". I'm not going to give an in depth look at the program but it is extremely popular right now so ask almost anyone or just google it and you'll find more information than you'd ever care to know!
Why Whole30? For the past five years I've dealt with hormonal imbalances and different levels of fatigue varying from annoying to extreme. Along with that came those pesky pounds. While I was pregnant with Darin everything balanced out wonderfully and I felt great, but it didn't take long after he was born for the same old stuff to come along.
For a long while now I've had a strong desire to do something. When my husband so graciously supported me in saying he would come alongside whatever I wanted to do, I felt so blessed. How many lean, strong, healthy men would agree to doing such a crazy thing for their wives? He's the best. Ever.
So here we are! All eight of us jumping in together! We went shopping yesterday and came home with more fruits and vegetables than I knew this home could hold! Day one has been a breeze, but somehow I imagine that rougher days are ahead. Prayers would be appreciated!!!
Day One~
Breakfast~ Vegetable, Sausage and Egg Bake
Lunch~ Loaded Chicken Salad
Dinner~ Chicken Cutlets, red potatoes and salad
Oooo, I'm excited for you! And so glad that your family is doing it together! I tried it for about a week, but found it really difficult to follow when I'm eating with friends in their homes. :-/ I also went to a four-day conference, which was also not good for Whole30! :-/ But, I'd like to try it again sometime. I'll be curious to hear how it goes for all of you! :-)