In ten days my son turns three. I never thought I would have a son to turn three! I had five little girls and they were everything. I didn't want anything else.
Then I had Darin.
I had no idea what it was like to have a son. I actually wondered if I would be able to love a son as much as my girls.
He got pneumonia when he was born and had to spend ten days in the hospital. As a result of the antibiotics he spent a huge portion of his first year fighting off one bug and then another. We spent probably a quarter of our nights sleeping in the La-Z-Boy.
The nights we weren't sleeping in the chair we were waking up to nurse every two hours. For ten and half months. The poor guy dealt with chronic diaper rash and was so irritated he would scratch his head bloody. I actually sewed socks on the ends of the hands holes on his pajamas so he couldn't scratch himself in his sleep.
Through it all, we were having the time of our lives. The girls were in heaven, Daddy was a proud as possible, and I was, well, so in love my heart felt like it was in a permanent vise grip.
He was a delightful baby. He was so funny. So sweet. So adorable.
We truly cherished our baby. We enjoyed our baby. Then one day my heart stopped as it realized,
My baby wasn't a baby anymore.
Every day he seemed more and more grown up. Daddy became his whole world. You could see him puff up whenever he got to do the man stuff!
All of the sudden I had a little man. 100%.
And even though Daddy is his world, he likes his mommy!!! He is still a supreme snuggler, a super slow dancer, and showers me with kisses.
My heart can hardly bear the thought of not having a two year old Darin. It's pretty overwhelming to be honest. But knowing how much he has rocked one and two, I'm pretty sure three and beyond will be pretty grand too!
"Don't grow up too quickly my sweet boy," Mommy whispers through her tears!
Thanks...I needed an epic cry right before I start lessons...