
Monday, November 14, 2016

Hello...... Again!

        Hello my friends!!!  Grace here.  Yep.  It's a new blog.  I blogged for several years back at, but it's been a little while!  For some reason starting with a fresh blog felt like the right thing at the right time.

       It has been eight and a half years since I first started my blog.  I was a young mommy with three baby girls.  In the years that have passed a lot has changed.  Now I have five little (and almost not so little) girls and one funny little boy.  David and I have been married for twelve and half years and are (for real!)  more  in love than ever.  David went through a major career change.  I went through chronic fatigue.  Blah, blah, blah.  Life has rolled along.  As it has for all of you.

       I hesitate to say I feel like a completely different person from the twenty-two year old eager blogger from before, but in many ways I do.  (For one thing, "i" can't seem to remember that this old desk computer doesn't magically auto-correct my errors like my constantly used iPad!)  I love the old me.  But I didn't feel like I could just carry on from where I left off.

      To be honest, the only reason I'm back clacking at this keyboard is because lately I've been feeling the pressing need to be more real with those in my life.  Even typing it out makes me laugh because it's such an oxymoron in my mind to think that expressing myself on social media is more "real".  However, there are many of you that I don't have the opportunity to rub shoulders with and I guess this is me wanting somehow to connect better with you!

         Lately the Lord has been impressing on me a deep desire to be filled with grace and truth as I strive to be more like Jesus.  So that's my goal.  I hope to just be able to express and think and connect in way that is real and honest and (I pray) filled with love and grace.  I can't wait to catch up with you all!

P.S.  Why "Crowded Lap"?  It's hard to find a blog name that hasn't already been taken!  And most of my blogging/facebook/pinterest time is enjoyed with someone (or someones) on my lap.  It seemed fitting in the moment.

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