
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Ten More Days of Two

    In ten days my son turns three.  I never thought I would have a son to turn three!  I had five little girls and they were everything.  I didn't want anything else.

    Then I had Darin.

    I had no idea what it was like to have a son.  I actually wondered if I would be able to love a son as much as my girls.

       He got pneumonia when he was born and had to spend ten days in the hospital.  As a result of the antibiotics he spent a huge portion of his first year fighting off one bug and then another.  We spent probably a quarter of our nights sleeping in the La-Z-Boy. 

    The nights we weren't sleeping in the chair we were waking up to nurse every two hours.  For ten and half months.  The poor guy dealt with chronic diaper rash  and was so irritated he would scratch his head bloody.  I actually sewed socks on the ends of the hands holes on his pajamas so he couldn't scratch himself in his sleep.

    Through it all, we were having the time of our lives.  The girls were in heaven, Daddy was a proud as possible, and I was, well, so in love my heart felt like it was in a permanent vise grip.

  He was a delightful baby.  He was so funny.  So sweet.  So adorable.

We truly cherished our baby.  We enjoyed our baby.  Then one day my heart stopped as it realized,

My baby wasn't a baby anymore.

Every day he seemed more and more grown up.  Daddy became his whole world.  You could see him puff up whenever he got to do the man stuff!

All of the sudden I had a little man.  100%.

And even though Daddy is his world, he likes his mommy!!!  He is still a supreme snuggler, a super slow dancer, and showers me with kisses.

        My heart can hardly bear the thought of not having a two year old Darin.  It's pretty overwhelming to be honest.  But knowing how much he has rocked one and two, I'm pretty sure three and beyond will be pretty grand too!  

      "Don't grow up too quickly my sweet boy," Mommy whispers through her tears!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Home School Year 2017-2018

   Today started our second week of school so I thought I had better get on and update otherwise I may never get to it!!!

    David and I were both home schooled so making the decision to home school our children came pretty easily.  I could give you a very long list of the reasons this is the best choice for our family but I'll spare you today!.  Every year when the school bus starts driving by again my heart overflows with thankfulness that we have the freedom to keep our children home with us.  The thought of being away from them every day literally makes me hurt.

     Here are our little scholars this year!

      Darin is almost three so he's in that magic pre-Pre-School year, meaning that school only happens if its fun and wanted.  I've learned the hard way that pushing school on a little one doesn't ever pay off.  Learning is a gift and one of life's most exciting adventures.  At ages two, three and four they learn to either enjoy and anticipate learning or dread and despise it.  Darin has been DYING to do school so this fall his school consists primarily of several Usborne books that are fun, beautiful and great learning tools.  Here are some of his favorites!


Esther- First Grade

Ella- Second Grade

       While Ella and Esther have their own Math, Handwriting, and Reading, the bulk of their school they do together following Ambleside Online's curriculum plan.  I discovered Ambleside Online two years ago and have found it to be an excellent fit for our family.  It is a Charlotte Mason style curriculum and there is actually nothing you buy from the site.  It's merely a booklist with a detailed schedule of what should be read when.  Most of the books are older books that can be found for free for the Kindle.  I'm not a huge Kindle fan so I've had good luck finding them on Thriftbooks and Amazon.  

       With six children doing school at the same time it works beautifully to put multiple girls doing the same level in this program.  They progress at their own pace in Math, Writing and Reading and then together they read beautiful books each year.  Our favorite book this term is by far Pilgrim's Progress.  Even these young girls are LOVING the story and I am just relishing this time reading aloud such a tremendous story with such great discussions added to it. I'm amazed at what they are able to pull out even with the difficult language.

Havilah- Fourth Grade

Bethany- Sixth Grade

       Bethany and Havilah are also doing their own math, writing, and reading and doing an Ambleside year together.  This term they are reading about Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, 20th century world history, wonders of the world, creation science and more!  

Lydia- Seventh Grade

      Lydia's school year is a little different this year.  High school is just around the corner so we figured it was a good year to dig a little deeper into her specific interests so we can have a little better vision into what her high school years should look like.  She is doing about 50% of what Bethany and Havilah are studying.  In addition she is studying Anatomy and Physiology, European geography and history, typing, Spanish, and creative writing.

We're only on week two, but so far the year seems to be going wonderfully.  This is my absolute favorite time of the year (except maybe Christmas...) and a huge portion of that is starting school and regaining some schedule with my kids.  There are hard days, (in fact I have someone crying about math right now), but I love that overall, from pre-pre-school to seventh grade, they all have a zest and excitement for learning!!!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Camping 2017

     So one of my besties gave me a good little poke awhile back letting me know that I haven't blogged recently.  Life has been flying in several different directions lately but it's good to get on here and record some of it!

     Last week was our annual camping trip.  It's just us, plus two aunties and a friend.  We decided to try out a new campground for the first time in seven years so I was a bit apprehensive.  We chose Suttle Lake for it's biking and kayaking possibilities.  Esther was our most recent addition to the two-wheeled riding club.  David took her training wheels off and after five minutes the girl looked like she had been riding for years.  Skills man!

   Well, I guess technically Darin jumped into the two-wheeled riding club too since David picked him up a strider bike (which is basically a mini bike with no pedals).  He ADORES that bike!!!  He runs around with it everywhere.  Thankfully he adores his helmet too so he wont take a seat on his bike unless he's got the Red Wonder on his head!

Sniff!  Look how much my baby has grown up in ONE year!!!

     There was a 3.6 mile trail that went around the lake so there were daily treks around that thing.  I don't think I had ridden a bike it ten years but even I took one trip around.  Esther gets the "Youngest Around the Lake" award.  She rode it twice!  Havilah gets the "Most Times Around the Lake" award (except for David).  She rode that whole trail FIVE times!  

      Camping with the aunties is such a fun tradition.  Back in the day it was so helpful to balance out the adult/kid ratio.  Now our big girls are such good helpers but it's still heaps of fun having my "baby" sisters come along!

        Even though we camped on a lake, it was really not ideal for children swimming.  Thankfully there was a perfect smaller lake only 1 mile away.  It worked out just right for our crew!

         (Yes, we read at the lake.  We read at the campsite.  We can read here or there, we can read most anywhere!)

         Our girls are so big that they all shared their own tent so it was just Darin in with Mom and Pops.  Thankfully, God gave exactly what this Mama who is not quite ready to be without  a baby needed when He gave me Darin.  That boy is a supreme snuggler.  Like certifiably.  He slept wonderfully but every morning he'd come cuddle with Mom for a couple of hours before waking again and whispering "Let's go build a fire Mommy!".  I know every mom for all of history has said it, but I can't believe how fast my baby is growing!

      Camping is just what the doctor ordered for every single one of us.  We were so blessed to have that time breathing in the fresh air (and a little smoke), enjoying days just spent together and having a week free from the distractions of daily life.  We already can't wait for next year!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

April Reading Wrap-Up PLUS Readathon!!!

     Yesterday was our Readathon.  Yes, my three oldest daughters and I participated in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon.  No we didn't read for 24 hours!  Yesterday had a few other things in it (like a baby shower) that took some time but each of us got in approximately 11 hours of reading.  Yes, I've had many question whether that is a good use of our day.  Yes, I've considered it from many angles and decided it was a marvelous use of our day!  If you want to know why, just ask me.  Everyone else has!

    This was my second readathon.  My first one I participated in was last fall with my beautiful friend Anne.  I had all sorts of plans and dreams for this next one, but they slowly all kind of fell through.  It left me with the wonderful option of doing it at home with my kids and that turned out to be a BLAST!!!  The three littles spent the morning at Grammy's but the big girls and I set our alarms, armed ourselves with snacks and dove into our carefully selected stack of books!  I wasn't sure how long each of them would stick with it, but they powered through!  I ended with 934 pages read and each of the girls had between 500-700 pages read.  We are already making plans for the next one coming up in October!!!!

So here are my books read in April (still not a huge reading month as it was a pretty crazy Norwex month!)

#1~ The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

I received this book in a book exchange last Christmas as a part of our amazing book club.  I had never read any Wilkie Collins before.  I read this with my Anne and it was fun to go through it together.  It's an old classic mystery.  Not too action packed, nor was the plot overly complicated, but the characters were a delight.  Each section of the book was from a different character's perspective and there was plenty of humor woven in!

This was a collection of Jim Elliot's letters and journal entries from his late teens to his death.  Inspiring.  Convicting.  Not a quick read but a beneficial one.  

 #3  Kilmeny of the Orchard by L.M. Montgomery

L. M. Montgomery is the author of the Anne of Green Gables series and I've loved her other books so far.  This one was enjoyable, but not a contender with the Anne series, the Emily series or Blue Castle.  It's a short simple story.  Fairly predictable but sweet.

#4  Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster

    A young orphan girls is sponsored by a mysterious trustee to go to college and finally have a life of her own.  The book is her letters to this man who she has never met, but is really her only connection in the world.  It's very sweet.

#5  The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

       I went back and forth about reading this.  I've heard many strong opinions both for and against it.  I decided to go ahead a read it and see what I thought for myself.  I like books that made me think, and this definitely did that.  It concerns me somewhat that I see this book promoted as a book for young people and I really think it takes an adult perspective to think about this rightly.  That being said, I found it extremely compelling.

#6  A Lamp For My Feet by Elisabeth Elliot

These were very short, mostly half page, articles by Elizabeth Elliot.  Great thoughts and very challenging and encouraging.  I think I prefer her longer works to give me a little more to chew on before heading into a different topic.

       I'm very excited for reading in the month of May!  I'll be finishing up a few books I'm part of the way into and then my plan is to reread some of my favorites.  Not necessarily "All Time" favorites, but books I've read in the last couple of years that have gotten me excited about reading.  Happy ready all! 

Strong in Joy

     Joy.  We want it.  We crave it.  How do we get it?  How do we become strong in it?

     I've been considering this question the last several weeks and there were three things that stood out to me.  This is by no means a comprehensive study on joy.  It's just me sharing my perspective and what makes a real difference in my life.

     1.  I grow stronger in joy with thankfulness.
          I've written about this before.  It was transforming in my marriage and has benefited me in many ways through the years.  In a moment of anger, despair, discouragement or self-pity, I can't simply will myself to feel differently.  I can't force joy.  I can however choose to give thanks.  Always.  Every time.  There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.  And when I have a thankful heart, there is a softening.  A thawing.  And that makes way for joy to come in.  If we are in Christ, there is always a place for thanksgiving in abundance.  In my life, thankfulness and joy always go hand in hand.

2.  I grow stronger in joy with truth.

            This one has been a little tricky for me.  I don't know about you, but I greatly struggle with self-doubt.  At any given time I'm pretty sure someone must be upset with me. And to be honest, sometimes people just aren't very careful with what they say.  Sometimes it just hurts.  There's nothing like chewing on a stinging comment to zap all traces of joy from your heart.  But if we want to be strong in joy we have to fight for that truth, even if it's only in our own hearts and minds.  This has been a recent battle for me.  I'm realizing more and more how often I let myself dwell on something that simply is not true.  I'm not a horrible person.  I'm not a bad mom.  I'm not failure.  And most of all, Jesus loves me.  Personally.  Not because He has to.  But because He does.  We cannot let lies steal our joy.  What a waste that is!

3.  I grow strong in joy with perspective.
          This world is not my home.  One day soon I will stand before Christ.  The dishes, the sleepless nights, the bitter words, the unfulfilled dreams, the bills, the bickering and on and on won't matter to me at all.  Today is a gift.  Tomorrow may not come.  If I'm given seventy more years of earthly toil then I pray I use them for His glory, because nothing else will matter.  My joy is dependent on this perspective.  I know what awaits me.  At least I know a glimmer.  And it's worth being excited for!  If this life was it, I don't think real joy would be possible.

When my perspective is right, and my thoughts are controlled by truth, and my heart is overflowing with thanks, joy follows.  I want to be strong in joy.  I want you to be strong.  Let's do this!  Be strong!!!

Friday, April 21, 2017

More Than Numbers

     My children are more than numbers.  More than chairs around the table.  More than feet that need shoes and mouths that need fed.

    That may be what your eyes see, but let me tell you the truth of who they are.


Lydia is more than #1.  She's beauty and quietness.  She's filled with dreams and strong and steady.  She is aspiration and contentment.  She is confidence and humility.  Lydia is more than a firstborn.  She's someone you want to know.

Bethany is more than #2.  She is fun and sweetness.  She is comedy and laughter.  She is tender and devoted.  She is sincere and peace loving.  She'll hold a baby until her arms fall off and is the most fun to do anything with.

Havilah is more than #3.  She is fire and passion.  She is fight and furry.  She is loyal and steadfast.  She is softhearted and compassionate.  She's a deep thinker and is sacrificial.  She's fun to battle against but even better to have on your own team.  She's present, engaged and lets you know you've got someone by your side.

Ella is more than #4.  She is loveliness and peace.  She's a warm hug and an encouraging word.  She's individual and brave.  She's fearless and inspiring.  She's spunk and sweetness.  She's joy and sunshine.  She forges her own path and encourages me to do the same.  

Esther is more than #5.  She is sparkles and spice.  She is self-sacrifice and love. She's silly and spunky.  She's snuggles and smiles.  She wouldn't step on a crack if you paid her.  She bubbles and bounces.  She's eager to please and easy to adore.  

Darin is more than #6.  He's drive and determination.  He's serious and hilarious.  He's a man and a baby.  He's affectionate and independent.  He's a tease and a comforter.  He's a singer and a worker.  He's got a vise grip on this mamma's heart and I'm pretty sure always will.

So we get a bigger table.  We buy more food and we buy more shoes.  To us the numbers are not very important.  

Sunday, April 2, 2017

March Reading Wrap-Up

Well....... March was not much of a reading month for me!  I have many books started, but not many were completed.  I kind of got swept up in the Norwex consulting wind this month which has been a fun and crazy ride, but the time that usually goes into reading was replaced with research.  Nevertheless, here is what I did read this month!

#1~ The Mysterious Howling (The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place #1) by Maryrose Wood

           This was recommended to me in my search for new ideas for my girls to read.  It's about a young woman who is hired as the governess for three young children that have been raised by wolves.  It was a mix of creative, sometimes predictable and slightly dark.  It definitely had the quality that makes you go, "Hmmm.  I wonder what it would be like to train children that have been raised by wolves.  Pretty sure I'd like to try it!".  It wasn't the best children's book I've ever read, but I want to continue in the series and see what happens!

#2~ No Graven Image By Elisabeth Elliot

      To be honest, this wasn't my favorite book to read.  I found that I prefer biographies or autobiographies over fiction about missionaries.  That being said, this book has stuck with me and has greatly challenged my thinking several times.  Elisabeth Elliot wrote this not from a place of creative inspiration but from a desire to communicate a message about the life of a missionary that is not commonly expressed.  I think it is very potent and I'm glad I read it.

#3~ Mistborn: The Final Empire  by Brandon Sanderson

          You guessed it.  Another fantasy.  Another 5/5 stars from me!  This book came highly recommended by a friend that saw I was enjoying different fantasy books.  Then after hearing me talk about them, one of my best friends got me the trilogy for my birthday!!!  These books were very different from anything I've read before.  I think that's the fascinating thing about fantasy is it gives you a whole new world to look at.  After a time though, they can begin to look alike.  This one looked completely different.  You know how most fantasies are about the good guys fighting against the bad guys so something really, really bad doesn't happen?  In this book, the bad thing happened.  Now it's centuries later and a rebellion is rising.  I had a blast with this book!  It is very dark and violent so if you like feel good books, this one isn't for you.

         I'm super excited about this next month of reading!  There is a readathon at the end of the month and I'm not sure how much I'll be able to participate, but I'm excited!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Strong in Believing

     I said before that a few of these posts were going to be directed specifically to the girls.  More specifically, my sisters in Christ.  Why?  Because I have nothing to offer you other than Christ.  I know of no other place to point you for strength, hope or purpose.  If you don't know Jesus and the power of His salvation, please seek Him.  

2 Timothy 1:9-12
"He has saved us and called us to a holy life- not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace.  This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.  And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.  That is why I am suffering as I am.  Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.

        There is an endless supply of advice on how to be a strong woman. A strong mother.  A strong wife.  Tips to make life easier.  Catch phrases to inspire.  I know I've been guilty in the past of trying to sooth a friend's cry for help with a worldly, worthless solution.  We just want the miracle cure.  That one mysterious thing that makes "her" so perfect.  That makes "her" so happy.  My friends, it's not out there.  For all of our searching we surely would have found it by now!  There is only Jesus.  He is the answer.  He makes every difference.

         For so many of us though, our relationship with Jesus just becomes more tasks to add onto our already overfilled lives.  I'm supposed to take my children to church every week.  I'm supposed to read my Bible.  I'm supposed to pray.  And I'm supposed to like it.  Rarely do we see women living lives filled with peace and purpose.  And it makes me wonder, what do we really believe?

        I remember clearly a conversation years ago with a friend who was going through a challenging life event and I remember her saying "I know that God will do what He thinks is best, but I just don't trust Him right now.".  That one moment impacted me profoundly.  Because it made me look into the depths of my heart and decide.  I encourage you to do the same.  What it forced me to determine was that if I truly believed Jesus to be who He said He was and that He loves me how He says He does,  than that must have an impact on my daily life.  Meaning, my life must look different because of what I believe.

       If I believe that God is all powerful, then I must believe that nothing in my life is beyond His control.  

       If I believe that He is all knowing, then I must believe that He understands my life, my circumstances and my deepest desires and highest good.

       If I believe He loves me completely and perfectly, then I must believe that He will always accomplish the perfect and best in my life according to His perfect knowledge and complete power.  I can trust, always, that His good plan is being brought about even when I can't even glimpse it. I can trust that He cares about every detail of my life.  Really cares.  That He holds me tenderly and His heart loves me.  I have to just reflect on that for a moment.  He loves me, with all the affection I can possibly relate to, plus infinity.

       If I believe that He is coming again and that whether I die or He comes again, one day I will go from being here on earth to suddenly being in His presence, that must alter me.  It's real.  I believe it to the core of my being.  One day I will go from this tangible, broken world to standing before my King.  I will see with my eyes what I long to see now.  All my hope is wrapped up in that.

        What do you believe, dear sister?  It matters.  It changes who you are.  The apostle Paul could sit in his Roman jail cell awaiting execution after giving everything for the gospel, because he knew whom he believed in.  I have a friend in whose company I get to enjoy almost every week and she knows who she believes in.  And it's an inspiring thing.  She's ready to give, to sacrifice, to be daring, to be still, to be changed, to be called home, all because she believes.  Spend time with people like this!  

         Believe what is true.  Then believe with all of your heart.  Be strong!!!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Whole 30 Day 30!!!!!

     I can't believe it's here!!!  It's actually day 30 of the Whole30!!!  Here is a quick list of the top ten things that made this journey all the more doable.  In no particular order~


Ghee is simply butter with the milk solids removed.  Because of ghee I never felt in the whole thirty days that I was going without butter.  It's super easy to make on your own and you discard only the tiniest portion so it's only a fraction more expensive than just using butter.  

Bulletproof Coffee

           Oh joys!  I love my coffee.  But I'm a coffee wimp.  I like my coffee creamy.  It doesn't have to be sweet, but it must be creamy.  Day two of the Whole30 I tried coffee with coconut milk and almost burst into tears.  B I T T E R!!!  Enter bulletproof coffee.  It's this magical experience of blending (in an actual blender) your black coffee with about a teaspoon of ghee or coconut oil and it becomes frothy and creamy.  No joke.  It's amazing.  I add a good splash of coconut milk for flavor and more creaminess and it's downright delicious.  Now, while this is totally "on plan" they really discourage you from drinking your calories so I saved this for now and then times.  To have coffee that I enjoyed made the whole experience a little less hostile though!

Homemade Mayo

Super good.  Super easy.  I can still have mayo with my asparagus.

Homemade Sausage

           We found plan approved sausages at Costco, but to be honest, we really didn't love them.  We especially didn't love the price tag.  Especially while trying to feed eight people.  It took us a couple of weeks to discover that it was incredibly easy to make our own homemade sausage patties and ground sausage from ground pork.  Super discovery.

Sweet Potato Apple Bake

            I know I mentioned this before, but this stuff is amazing.  The plump, sweet raisins with the crunchy baked walnuts.  Yes please!!!  We had this about twice a week and my kids always jumped for joy whenever they saw it brought to the table.  I may have done a little happy dance in the kitchen myself.  This is one they have begged to keep on the menu in the future.  The recipe is here.

Sweet Potato Mash

            It goes like this.  Bake some sweet potatoes (when I say sweet potatoes, I mean yams.  The yummy orange ones.  I know I'm wrong.  I'll never be right.).  Dump the baked insides in a bowl.  Throw in a tablespoon or more of ghee.  Sprinkle in some salt and cinnamon.  Blend with an immersion blender.  Devour.  So, so good.  I was voted mom of the universe whenever I brought this to the table.

Frozen Grapes

        These were my fail proof weak moment get out of jail free card.  Any sugar cravings, late night tummy rumblings, "I just can't do this" moments were quickly and easily resolved with a couple of delicious frozen grapes.  I know a huge part of the program is to break the bad food habits you have like needing to snack all the time, and I feel like I made huge strides in this, but every so often it was so helpful to have a safe place to indulge.  Frozen grapes are possibly the best things ever.


           I really tried not to become the next Whole30 spokesperson.  But the people who were around me much knew I was doing it.  Anyone here on this blog obviously heard about it.  Once you tell someone that you will be eating a certain way for thirty days it becomes exponentially harder to simply cheat and ruin the whole thing.  Tell someone if you are planning on doing this.  It's accountability and it works!


       I want to be healthier, which for me means figuring out the health issues I'm dealing with.  My desire would be to have another baby someday.  That's pretty good motivation for doing something hard.  Hopefully it's a single step along the road to those hopes.


    I really don't think I could have accomplished the full thirty days with no cheating without my family's participation.  No, they didn't stick to the plan fully when they were out and about.  But at home we ate only Whole30 meals which made it a breeze for me.  I wasn't constantly tempted and the work load was much smaller (though not the grocery bill) than if I had to cook two breakfasts, two lunches and two dinners.  And they were TERRIFIC sports!  My husband and kiddos never complained.  I'm so, so, so blessed.

Only a couple of days into it, my mom decided to do her own Whole30 so that made it all the more fun as we traded recipes and encouragement!

      So here is the final recap.  In all I lost eight pounds, which for me and the way I work is pretty good.  I felt "better" but not significantly so.  The energy I thought I was gaining didn't amount to too much and I even had some head aches return.  I think what I discovered is that I don't have any great food sensitivities.  I am very interested in looking at how food effects your hormones though as that is where a lot of my issues lie.

     To me this was a wonderful experience.  I have friends who finished it and said they hated it.  I thought it was amazing.  To learn that for an entire month I could put only food in my mouth that was healthy and beneficial kind of blew my mind.  We ate delicious food.  And there was plenty of it.   I feel super encouraged by the good habits that were developed over this period of time and I'm eager to see how things go moving forward from here.  I could easily see another Whole30 in the future!