Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Hello, I'm Grace. I Love to Read
I've always loved to read. I wanted to live in a boxcar. I longed to build my own log cabin. And I'm pretty sure actual heart felt tears were shed because elves weren't real.
As a young mom reading was sort of set aside. I got through quite a few marriage and parenting books and of course The Lord of the Rings beckoned me every few years, but not much else. As the kiddos got a little older and their attention span lasted longer than "Go Dogs, Go", I pulled out "Little House in the Big Woods" to read aloud and my world has never been the same.
C.S. Lewis said, " A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.", and that has rung so true in our family. The hours we've spent piled up in a heap, eagerly anticipating what is going to happen next are some of the happiest of my memories. Reading aloud with my children reminded me of the beauty of stories.
And then, another remarkable event happened. One by one, my girls began to learn to read. There is nothing like working to inspire a love of reading in your children to awaken that smoldering passion in yourself. It was around that time we discovered the library. As lame as that sounds it's pretty much true. How did we do without the library for so many years I will never know. Thankfully that's behind us so I don't have to think about it.
The biggest boost to my reading world recently has been my incredible friend, Anne. Pretty sure she deserves an entire post of her own so I won't go on too much right now except to say if you want good recommendations or just totally fun book thoughts, check out her blog here or follow here on facebook at ElizabethAnne Reads.
I'm a bit of an eclectic reader in that I enjoy a bit of everything. Lord of the Rings are and will forever be my favorites. It's not even approachable. I must read Tozer every so often. My soul just needs it. I love a good biography, autobiography or memoir, but mostly only if I can approach it, not if it's forced upon me. I love mysteries, fantasy, classics. I've dipped my toe into sci-fi with mostly positive reactions. I still adore children's books and books written by Christian authors that challenge my thoughts and my heart. I have a very soft spot for what my friend called "eerie" books. I'm really a very beginning reader. Until the last year I was about a 95% "re-reader" so I'm really just still splashing around and finding out all that I enjoy!
I know that everyone has a different standard as to what books they will read (or movies they will watch, or music they will listen to). I think it can be very hard to convey why effectively. I won't go into too much depth other than to say, I certainly do not only read Christian books (though I respect those who do). I do not read purely for enjoyment. Everything I read challenges how I think, and to me there is great importance in rubbing shoulders with thoughts and ideas that I may have never considered or even completely disagree with.
Whew. Pretty sure that's about as condensed as I can get when it comes to this subject!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Christmas Time Is Here........
It's here! In our family, nothing is as anticipated as this blessed season where we remember the arrival of our long awaited Savior and long for His coming again.
Friday, November 25, 2016
"Growing Beautiful Food"
I'm shamelessly in love with books. More on that in future posts. One of the highlights of our week is our stop at the library. Right at the entrance to the library we frequent is a display of all the beautiful brand new books. Nearly without fail I'm sucked into grabbing at least one. This is the first book that stole my attention this week. "Growing Beautiful Food" By Matthew Benson
It just captivated me. I had to pick it up and take a look inside.
I actually read the entire thing, which for this genre is saying a lot. I'm generally captivated by the pictures but lose steam while reading the tedious details. While I didn't agree with all of the author's point of view, his genuine love for what he did came through in every sentence and photograph.
It's very possible my husband may be getting a request for chickens, bees and an orchard very soon. Hopefully he doesn't read this blog first and can reply with his usual gracious understanding of my "swept away" tendencies and doesn't just laugh in my face. I'll relish the dream as long as it lasts!
Monday, November 21, 2016
Dear Bethany
Dear Bethany,
Today you turn ten. I remember getting up early in the morning ten years ago and having my water break. I remember pacing the hospital floors reading "The Two Towers". I remember your adorable round head. I remember wondering if your daddy wanted a boy, but then seeing the joy in his eyes and knowing that all he wanted was you.
I never knew you would be one of my very best friends. I never knew you would make me laugh more than anyone else in my life. I never knew you would have freckles in the summer or that curls would sprout out of your beautiful bald head. I never knew you would adore reading and remind me so much of myself at your age. I never knew that whatever I'm doing, I would want you to come along because you just make everything more fun.
Thank you for being such a good daughter. Thank you for loving everyone around you fearlessly. You are the best. I wouldn't change a thing about you. I hope that today and every day you catch just a glimpse of how deeply you are loved. I'm so honored to be your mom. I'm so excited to watch you continue to grow into the awesome girl God has purposed you to be!
I love you forever!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
When the World's "All As It Should Be"
For some reason it was the other kind of "One of those mornings". The kind where everything seems right in the world and all of life's blessings just seem overwhelmingly real. It was a rare Sunday morning where I had actually gotten up early, taken my shower and had food ready to make breakfast. Sure there was the usual morning chaos of finding clothes and shoes for six children, and sure the crumbs from the toast still battled me as I tried my hardest to keep them out of the butter. But I was happy. Just plain happy.
It struck me as I was buttering toast like it was the best job in the universe how many mornings I'm standing in that exact spot, doing the exact same task and yet it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. I was humbled to think about how the littlest of things can rock my boat. The smallest upheaval to my plans throws me reeling as if I might not recover. I know in those moments where my heart is. It's in my temporal pleasures, my selfish desires and my untrusting heart.
This morning Pastor shared such a powerful sermon and I was incredibly blessed because it tied so closely to what I had been thinking on. If I'm to live in a place where nothing can shake me, no matter what life throws my way, then I must be tied completely to the truths he shared.
I can give thanks in all circumstances because of~
Who He is
The grace He has and continues to pour out on us
And the hope that is sure
My prayer is that every morning I fight the buttered toast battle, even if not all is right in the world, I will remember this. I hope you do too. Nothing is greater.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Morning Hair, Don't Care (The 8:30 Version)
In the spirit of transparency, I thought I would give a brief glimpse into our morning!!! Here's a straight from the camera view of the humans walking around our house this morning!
I found this girl by the bookshelf. Who would have guessed?
55 degrees in our house this morning, hence the winter coats. Time for Mom to brush up on her "Keep the fire burning" skills!
This lady spends approximately 89% of her waking hours right here at her drawing table.
Our tea lady hard at work.
Yep. Air dried hair and no make-up. Good morning all!
A Darin scowl.
Some mornings by 8:30 we are all dressed with our hair done and our make-up on. Some (most?) mornings we look just like this. Every morning God is good with fresh mercies for the day. Off to start school in 3,2,1......
Monday, November 14, 2016
Hello...... Again!
Hello my friends!!! Grace here. Yep. It's a new blog. I blogged for several years back at, but it's been a little while! For some reason starting with a fresh blog felt like the right thing at the right time.
It has been eight and a half years since I first started my blog. I was a young mommy with three baby girls. In the years that have passed a lot has changed. Now I have five little (and almost not so little) girls and one funny little boy. David and I have been married for twelve and half years and are (for real!) more in love than ever. David went through a major career change. I went through chronic fatigue. Blah, blah, blah. Life has rolled along. As it has for all of you.
I hesitate to say I feel like a completely different person from the twenty-two year old eager blogger from before, but in many ways I do. (For one thing, "i" can't seem to remember that this old desk computer doesn't magically auto-correct my errors like my constantly used iPad!) I love the old me. But I didn't feel like I could just carry on from where I left off.
To be honest, the only reason I'm back clacking at this keyboard is because lately I've been feeling the pressing need to be more real with those in my life. Even typing it out makes me laugh because it's such an oxymoron in my mind to think that expressing myself on social media is more "real". However, there are many of you that I don't have the opportunity to rub shoulders with and I guess this is me wanting somehow to connect better with you!
Lately the Lord has been impressing on me a deep desire to be filled with grace and truth as I strive to be more like Jesus. So that's my goal. I hope to just be able to express and think and connect in way that is real and honest and (I pray) filled with love and grace. I can't wait to catch up with you all!
P.S. Why "Crowded Lap"? It's hard to find a blog name that hasn't already been taken! And most of my blogging/facebook/pinterest time is enjoyed with someone (or someones) on my lap. It seemed fitting in the moment.
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